Saturday, November 21, 2009

Training resumed

It's been a busy month and my training is back into a routine, not quite as yet as disciplined as in the summer months.

My Saturday spins are at 2.5 hours, soon to reach the 3-hour mark and then beyond. Today's session was inspired by Jason Bourne and a new indoor set up.

While I have had to spin a lot on the trainer in the last month - it's been particularly wet here, I have been capably doing so in the garage. This last week, with temperatures dropping towards zero degrees Celcius though, have driven me inside.

Today I have set up my winter training room. And apparently Luka was impressed as he slept on the couch beside me for the entire time. Photo to follow shortly.

Time now for a recovery walk with the little one.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Running Shoes Are a Girl's Best Friend

Margreet has published her first book. In it she profiles 53 women runners, ranging in age from their early 20s to their late 50s. It's a book about the shared experiences of women who run. For those who are looking for some motivation and/or inspiration, please check it out.